Successfully Deployed Promotional Products Campaign

November 26, 2023

The Difference Between Promotion And Advertising

What Is a Promotion Expense (Including Promotional Items)?

A promotion expense is the cost a company incurs to market their products or services to consumers. Promotion expenses range from giveaways, free samples, or other promotional techniques in order to help boost sales and revenue. Companies are able to write these costs off to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as tax-deductible business expenses.


  • A promotional expense is a cost companies incur to market their products or services to consumers.
  • Companies routinely engage in promotion expenses in order to boost sales and revenue.
  • Promotion expenses are deducted from revenue on the income statement.
  • These expenses are tax-deductible and can be written off on a company's tax return.

Understanding Promotion Expenses

Every kind of company runs up business expenses, whether small or large. Business expenses are any costs companies incur as a result of their regular, day-to-day operations. These expenses are deducted from a company's revenue on the income statement. The resulting figure is the entity's taxable net income. Examples of business expenses range from insurance, utilities, interest, employee benefits, accounting fees, and marketing and advertising which includes promotion expenses.

As we mentioned above, companies incur promotion expenses in order to promote or market their goods or services to the general public. Many companies choose to do this by holding giveaways, offering people free samples of their goods, or gifting items displaying the company logo and/or colors. In some cases, an established company may develop a new product and give out existing customers free samples in order to promote it. Promotions may take place through mail outs or in person at stores or other locations. This is done to draw interest into the company's offerings, enticing consumers to make purchases in order to boost sales and, therefore, revenue.

The IRS considers promotion expenses to be tax-deductible as business expenses, provided they are ordinary and necessary. When writing off promotion expenses on their tax returns, companies should take care to ensure that these expenses would not more accurately be classified as advertising expenses or charitable contributions. Companies cannot write off the actual market value of the goods or services given away. Instead, it's tonly he cost of the promotion that may be written off.

 In order to write off promotion expenses, companies may only deduct the costs associated with the promotion of goods and services, not their market value.1

Examples of Promotion Expense

If a tax software company mailed out CDs containing a free version of its federal tax preparation software to thousands of households in the hopes of selling its corresponding state tax preparation software, it could deduct the costs of the CDs and their packaging as promotion expenses.

Similarly, if a lawn-care company offered a free front-yard mowing to every house in a neighborhood in the hopes of earning new customers, it could probably deduct its costs to perform this service as promotional expenses.

Promotion Expenses vs. Advertising Expenses

Many people often confuse promotion expenses and those associated with advertising, thinking them to be one and the same. But distinguishing advertising and promotional expenses is important. The general rule of thumb is that advertising is a form of paid distribution of a controlled marketing message. This can entail expenses related to media ads in print, online, and broadcast, and direct mail. Promotion expenses, on the other hand, are more general and may include generic, non-message things like brand awareness. Costs for promotion and advertising must be categorized correctly and accounted for separately.

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Strong Coffee Custom Promotional Products has a parent company, Spéir Mór Media, LLC that provides a one stop shop for digital marketing. The company provides website design, SEO, lead generation, and content writing all with one firm. Custom promotional product discussions often leads to a larger discussion of how a brand is promoted and how the client drives traffic to its website and inbound calls to its phones. The company specializes in mobile service and financial service providers. Digital marketing is an essential function for any company in today's digital age, as it provides numerous benefits and advantages over traditional marketing methods. Here are some reasons why digital marketing is important for a company: Increased reach : Digital marketing allows businesses to reach a global audience, regardless of their geographic location. This enables companies to target potential customers who may not have been reached through traditional marketing methods. Cost-effective : Digital marketing is generally more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods, as it eliminates the need for expensive advertising campaigns, print materials, and other promotional materials. Targeted advertising : Digital marketing allows businesses to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, behavior, and other factors. This enables companies to create personalized marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with their target audience. Measurable results : With digital marketing, businesses can easily track the success of their marketing campaigns and adjust them accordingly. This allows companies to optimize their marketing strategies to achieve better results. Improved customer engagement : Digital marketing enables businesses to engage with their customers in real-time through social media, email marketing, and other digital channels. This allows companies to build stronger relationships with their customers and increase brand loyalty. Increased brand awareness : Digital marketing helps to increase brand awareness and visibility, as it allows companies to reach a wider audience through multiple digital channels. Overall, digital marketing is essential for any company that wants to stay competitive in today's marketplace. By leveraging the power of digital marketing, businesses can reach more customers, increase engagement, and achieve better results than traditional marketing methods.
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